
How to Improve Your Cell Phone Battery Life

Most of us have replaced our old dinosaur land-line phones with newer, more modern and versatile smart cellphones. Some cellphones including some big names, just as HTC,Huawei,Samsumg, all most all of them have some cellphone types that claimed powerful, but unfortunately, it sometimes isn't the same as advertised. In fact, many Android phone users would be happy to make it through a single day, hoping that a nightly recharge is sufficient.

Why did this happened? There are many factors, we just name a few here. Firstly, a number of factors trend to make their devices more thinner and lighter, since nowadays, people prefer something that is slim but powerful, why not? I like this kind myself. Anyway, who wanna bring a thick brick in his pocket? It not only not beautiful in appearance, but also not convenient. But, this also caused some trouble for our customers. Thinner designs with less room for batteries, larger and brighter screens, faster quad-core processors, more software that runs in the background, and power-hungry GPS radios all share responsibility. Another very important factor is that, your smartphone is a minor miracle, a pocket-sized computer that can fulfill almost every whim. modern people just can't live without cellphones. Not only do it wow us with their ability to connect us to anyone, anywhere, at any time, they also allow us access to the vast knowledge base of the world, the ability to stay connected via email and instant messages and keep us entertained.

All the above reasons caused the endless complaints for all mobile user. There's the reasons why the battery seems never to last as long as promised. You must still remember clearly the disappointment when you needed to access your phone and found it all but useless thanks to a flagging charge on your battery? When there's a problem, there always some solutions. You can maximize the life of your battery by taking a few simple steps to prevent premature discharge. Here are a few of my favorites. And our Amazon store: http://amzn.to/1oM82Xs

Determine What is Using Your Battery the Most. To start off, let's see what's using your battery the most,there's always some APPs where displayed what has been using your battery the most since last you charged it. One thing to watch out for is if there are some APPs that you don't use often, but give a big burden to ur battery. If the answer is yes, consider uninstalling it or figuring out how to use it less.

Use the Battery Saver or Power Saver mode if your phone’s operating system has one. These features help you to control the functions that sap your battery’s power, including background apps, widgets, animations and screen brightness.

Never go to zero. I don't know if you found the phenomenon that when ur phone goes to zero, it takes some time to recharge it before the screen flash again. It is said that if you're going to be shelving any lithium-ion battery for a long time, try to leave it with at least 40 percent battery power to tide it over. Lithium-ion batteries don't hemorrhage power when their not in use, but they'll lose maybe five to ten percent of their charge each month. And when lithium-ion batteries get too low—like, literally zero percent—they get seriously unstable, and dangerous to charge. To prevent explosion-type disasters when you go to charge one that's been sitting around for a month or two, lithium-ion batteries have built-in self-destruct circuits that will disable the battery for good, if it reaches rock bottom. Now, you know how important it is, so, for your safety and the battery's lifespan, please never go to zero.
Update your apps. Applications often get updated to use less battery power, so you should make sure your apps are up to date. Even if you configured the phone for automatic updates, some apps still require that you manually install updates.

Heat is the enemy of all batteries, whether your phone's battery or your laptop's. You might be able to eke out a bit more life out of your phone if you take it out of a hot case or your pocket, don't leave it overheating in a hot car, and can manage to find other ways to keep it cool.

Choose a reputable battery bank pack for your cellphone. With removable batteries becoming more and more rare, you've got to take good care of the one you got. A lot of people will equip their phone with portable battery,a reliable provider is prominent. Poweradd maybe your best choice, with so many customers' reviews, you can believe your choice!

